
sabato 4 agosto 2012

Il nostro modo di essere

Il nostro modo di essere

Giorgio Pitzalis Nella magia del nostro mondo di essere sono racchiuse le nostre esperienze di vita, in soma quelle esperienze che ci hanno forgiato.
 Al di la di tutto ciò vi è la voglia di scoprire e di essere scoperti. Non importa se sei capito per il verso giusto, dentro la magia di chi ti ascolta tutto viene interpellato per quel desiderio di dare una risposta, ai ma e ai se, che gorgogliano dentro convinti di cucinare la pietanza nel modo migliore. Nella filosofia dell'individuo, che presenta: l'acqua, il contenitore, il fuoco affinché si meta in ebollizione, perché questa è la sua volontà. Certo si può interpellare anche diversamente. Ti offro un contenitore pieno d'acqua per spegnere quel fuoco acceso dentro di te. Dipende cosa vuoi da questa tua filosofia di vita! Far si che l'acqua che dentro la pentola vada in ebollizione, o spegnere quel fuoco che è acceso ed è davanti a te creandoti un po’ di conflitto, per la voglia di prevaricare al tuo interlocutore. Molto spesso è più facile dire:"Ma guarda che hai capito male"

venerdì 3 agosto 2012

Contus de forredda/ storiesaroun the fireplace


Contus de forredda/ storiesaroun the fireplace

Contus forredda de / stories around the fireplace

If medicine has made strides and are able to improve the quality of life of people. Because nature has provided and put those herbs at your fingertips when you extract those substances which are named, chemicals, medicines commonly called. But as medicine, at the time of nuraghi were also called "concoctions" made with simple herbal decoctions. The most surprising thing he cared about how he caught the disease "The fire of San Antonio" Known as "Espes Zoster" We sought a person who had done during his life only "swineherd" he was the one who had the magical power a healer. Was counted "the healer" that if he should have in your pocket with two flints (stones silicon) Stones that he needed to ignite the fire, when wandering in the countryside to pasture pigs, cattle herding by hills and mountains. But not only these stones were used to light the fire, but also to cook the milk, since the containers were made of cork and could not get into the fire to be cooked. These stones were made in arroventare fire and thrown into the pot and leave early when the milk gurgled. Once the milk consumed, these stones were cleaned and put back in your pocket. In soma held securely, and always at hand, for the renewal of his daily ritual magic, which promoted the eating. Eco also because these stones had magical power to heal "The fire of San Antonio."
The healer and the patient arrived at with great composure, she approached the sufferer greets him and spoke to him a few words and began the ritual. From his pocket he always carried the stones with him
The shock was how it was to light the fire uttering prayers in turn ancestral, which had been handed down from our ancestors. It was necessary to repeat the ritual at least three times. If the patient did not show signs of healing came up again the whole form of the rite.
The service was honored with chicken eggs, which the hostess had secured for the occasion .. There are no statistics what was the cure rate. But ...... "For posterity will judge" .......... Meanwhile there are bored and have one more thing to tell your children or grandchildren ...


martedì 31 luglio 2012

Contus de forredda/ storiesaroun the fireplace

Contus forredda de / stories around the fireplace

If medicine has made strides and are able to improve the quality of life of people. Because nature has provided and put those herbs at your fingertips when you extract those substances which are named, chemicals, medicines commonly called. But as medicine, at the time of nuraghi were also called "concoctions" made with simple herbal decoctions. The most surprising thing he cared about how he caught the disease "The fire of San Antonio" Known as "Espes Zoster" We sought a person who had done during his life only "swineherd" he was the one who had the magical power a healer. Was counted "the healer" that if he should have in your pocket with two flints (stones silicon) Stones that he needed to ignite the fire, when wandering in the countryside to pasture pigs, cattle herding by hills and mountains. But not only these stones were used to light the fire, but also to cook the milk, since the containers were made of cork and could not get into the fire to be cooked. These stones were made in arroventare fire and thrown into the pot and leave early when the milk gurgled. Once the milk consumed, these stones were cleaned and put back in your pocket. In soma held securely, and always at hand, for the renewal of his daily ritual magic, which promoted the eating. Eco also because these stones had magical power to heal "The fire of San Antonio."
The healer and the patient arrived at with great composure, she approached the sufferer greets him and spoke to him a few words and began the ritual. From his pocket he always carried the stones with him
The shock was how it was to light the fire uttering prayers in turn ancestral, which had been handed down from our ancestors. It was necessary to repeat the ritual at least three times. If the patient did not show signs of healing came up again the whole form of the rite.
The service was honored with chicken eggs, which the hostess had secured for the occasion .. There are no statistics what was the cure rate. But ...... "For posterity will judge" .......... Meanwhile there are bored and have one more thing to tell your children or grandchildren ...


venerdì 20 luglio 2012

Contus forredda de / stories around the fireplace

If medicine has made strides and are able to improve the quality of life of people. Because nature has provided and put those herbs at your fingertips when you extract those substances which are named, chemicals, medicines commonly called. But as medicine, at the time of nuraghi were also called "concoctions" made with simple herbal decoctions. The most surprising thing he cared about how he caught the disease "The fire of San Antonio" Known as "Espes Zoster" We sought a person who had done during his life only "swineherd" he was the one who had the magical power a healer. Was counted "the healer" that if he should have in your pocket with two flints (stones silicon) Stones that he needed to ignite the fire, when wandering in the countryside to pasture pigs, cattle herding by hills and mountains. But not only these stones were used to light the fire, but also to cook the milk, since the containers were made of cork and could not get into the fire to be cooked. These stones were made in arroventare fire and thrown into the pot and leave early when the milk gurgled. Once the milk consumed, these stones were cleaned and put back in your pocket. In soma held securely, and always at hand, for the renewal of his daily ritual magic, which promoted the eating. Eco also because these stones had magical power to heal "The fire of San Antonio."
The healer and the patient arrived at with great composure, she approached the sufferer greets him and spoke to him a few words and began the ritual. From his pocket he always carried the stones with him
The shock was how it was to light the fire uttering prayers in turn ancestral, which had been handed down from our ancestors. It was necessary to repeat the ritual at least three times. If the patient did not show signs of healing came up again the whole form of the rite.
The service was honored with chicken eggs, which the hostess had secured for the occasion .. There are no statistics what was the cure rate. But ...... "For posterity will judge" .......... Meanwhile there are bored and have one more thing to tell your children or grandchildren ...


giovedì 19 luglio 2012

Contus forredda de / stories around the fireplace

If medicine has made strides and are able to improve the quality of life of people. Because nature has provided and put those herbs at your fingertips when you extract those substances which are named, chemicals, medicines commonly called. But as medicine, at the time of nuraghi were also called "concoctions" made with simple herbal decoctions. The most surprising thing he cared about how he caught the disease "The fire of San Antonio" Known as "Espes Zoster" We sought a person who had done during his life only "swineherd" he was the one who had the magical power a healer. Was counted "the healer" that if he should have in your pocket with two flints (stones silicon) Stones that he needed to ignite the fire, when wandering in the countryside to pasture pigs, cattle herding by hills and mountains. But not only these stones were used to light the fire, but also to cook the milk, since the containers were made of cork and could not get into the fire to be cooked. These stones were made in arroventare fire and thrown into the pot and leave early when the milk gurgled. Once the milk consumed, these stones were cleaned and put back in your pocket. In soma held securely, and always at hand, for the renewal of his daily ritual magic, which promoted the eating. Eco also because these stones had magical power to heal "The fire of San Antonio."
The healer and the patient arrived at with great composure, she approached the sufferer greets him and spoke to him a few words and began the ritual. From his pocket he always carried the stones with him
The shock was how it was to light the fire uttering prayers in turn ancestral, which had been handed down from our ancestors. It was necessary to repeat the ritual at least three times. If the patient did not show signs of healing came up again the whole form of the rite.
The service was honored with chicken eggs, which the hostess had secured for the occasion .. There are no statistics what was the cure rate. But ...... "For posterity will judge" .......... Meanwhile there are bored and have one more thing to tell your children or grandchildren ....

giovedì 5 luglio 2012

Pensami ( Julio Iglesias )

Life "Nuragic"

<a href= target=_ - Information from Alexa Internet - Digg:

'via Blog this'

Life "Nuragic"

Since the days of "nuraghi" (cyclopean buildings constructed tower), the man in Sardinia. Fed on venison, because not yet bred pets. His favorites were the consumption big horn sheep commonly called "wild sheep" or the goat. Sardinia in those days was full of game: partridges, hares, rabbits, deer, mountain goats .......Feeding was not a big problem. Armed with bows and arrows were not to stray farto get food. Their arrows made ​​from wild olive shoots hardened by the method of approaching the arrow already finished, the flame that it multiplied its strength, making it last longer over time. At their ends were stuck with skills in wood a bit of well-crafted "obsidian" (hard volcanic rock that manages to cut glass like a diamond) So you had not built on fear that the animal was not

mercoledì 4 luglio 2012

Life "Nuragic"

Life "Nuragic"

Since the days of "nuraghi" (cyclopean buildings constructed tower), the man in Sardinia. Fed on venison, because not yet bred pets. His favorites were the consumption big horn sheep commonly called "wild sheep" or the goat. Sardinia in those days was full of game: partridges, hares, rabbits, deer, mountain goats .......Feeding was not a big problem. Armed with bows and arrows were not to stray farto get food. Their arrows made ​​from wild olive shoots hardened by the method of approaching the arrow already finished, the flame that it multiplied its strength, making it last longer over time. At their ends were stuck with skills in wood a bit of well-crafted "obsidian" (hard volcanic rock that manages to cut glass like a diamond) So you had not built on fear that the animal was not killed.

martedì 3 luglio 2012

"CONTUS DE FORREDDA.".......... Racconti vicino al camino......

In an area still in its natural "Sardinia" there are rock-cut tombs of the period "proto nuragic" About twelve hundred years before the nuragic. That goes back to 2200 BC. Ie the same period of the "Assyrian" and "Hittite." But we want to talk about something else.
The rocks that host these graves. They give off charges of "electro magnetic", people who go through this site to benefit their health to absorb the charges ....

martedì 26 giugno 2012

"Contus de forredda" Stories de Sardinie

"Contus de forredda" Stories of Sardinia

In an area still in its natural "Sardinia" there are rock-cut tombs of the period "proto nuragic" About twelve hundred years before the nuragic. That goes back to 2200 BC. Ie the same period of the "Assyrian" and "Hittite." But we want to talk about something else.
The rocks that host these graves. They give off charges of "electro static", people who go through this site to benefit their health to absorb the charges ....http//"contus de forredda"/storie di Sardegna

venerdì 15 giugno 2012

Alexa Top 500 Global Sites - Digg

Alexa Top 500 Global Sites - Digg

Healthy outdoor life, helps the well-being. You have to live without many constraints. Only it is not possible to put together the circumstances of a stressful life. Today it is too soon to race ...... you get up you have to run for not finding too much traffic ... You have to run when you go to breakfast. You run because you're on deadline for payment of bills. You have to run to fetch the child at school. Soma in modern life is all about race. It was very different for the inhabitants of the villages of Sardinia.
Where life flowed without stress ....... for the tranquility of the population with which they take their way of life. This rate is still not lost, proving to be in good health ........getting a healthy life and longevity .......... hello george

domenica 3 giugno 2012

Taking Business Building To The EXTREME! - Digg

Taking Business Building To The EXTREME! - Digg

Sun 3 Jun 2012 - The earthquake in Italy 

The earthquake in Italy, has disrupted the economy of Emilia Romagna .. Many families homeless. And with problems for food staples. With the hope that the state machine is prodigal in a hurry to satisfy the needs of citizens. Entrepreneurs complain about the inability to produce if the institutions do not help them with tax relief and funding for the continuity of production. The state should look with an eye on these people who have the desire to start over. Despite the economic crisis that pursues relentlessly. Also because the tax burden does not tend to fall. severely penalizes businesses. Stopping the growth and blocks the increase of jobs. 

<a href=";target="_top">Click Here!</a>

venerdì 1 giugno 2012

Insane Affiliates

Insane Affiliates

The earthquake in Italy, has disrupted the economy of Emilia Romagna .. Many families homeless. And with problems for food staples. With the hope that the state machine is prodigal in a hurry to satisfy the needs of citizens. Entrepreneurs complain about the inability to produce if the institutions do not help them with tax relief and funding for the continuity of production. The state should look with an eye on these people who have the desire to ricomunciare. Despite the economic crisis that pursues relentlessly. Also because the tax burden does not tend to fall. severely penalizes businesses. Stopping the growth and blocks the increase of jobs.

martedì 29 maggio 2012;_ylt=AmT0rbroHlpjxmkHZOXlkvY.f8l_;_ylu=X3oDMTQwdGk5Y21wBG1pdANNb3N0UG9wdWxhciBMaXN0aW5nBHBrZwM0NzE0OWQ2OC05YmNhLTMyZTQtOGVhYy0zNmE4ZmEwZmJkMjYEcG9zAzEEc2VjA01vc3QgUG9wdWxhcgR2ZXIDNmE5ZjBiOTItYThjNC0xMWUxLWI3MmYtMmM1YjQyNjBiY2Q1;_ylg=X3oDMTFlaGhrbmFhBGludGwDaXQEbGFuZwNpdC1pdARwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAMEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3

 Sure it's like the story of the king and the child, that no one had dared to say that the emperor had no clothes. Very often the children see life with another otic and they know very often astound large. They say what they think without falsehood and hypocrisy as they make great ...... Even this guy with his spontaneity and authenticity that is the symbol of his age. He had the courage to tell the banks what adults would like to say but do not.

<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

giovedì 24 maggio 2012

Gli anziani vanno seguiti per trascorrere serenamente la vecchiaia

La società odierna trascura fortemente il simbolo della famiglia.  Concetti nuovi del vivere in comune tra figli, genitori e nonni; stanno creando situazioni complesse del buon vivere. Se prima il rispetto reciproco, era la bandiera che sventolava alta, non lo è più. Nuove filosofie di vita sono entrate dentro la famiglia a gestire i nuovi rapporti tra genitori e figli. Il sensibile sistema dell'equilibrio,  che si creava dentro la famiglia ora non ha più stabilità. In fatti i giovani che vengono fuori sono insicuri e tracciano male il loro futuro. Perché seguono la linea dell'incertezza e non delimitano mete da raggiungere.

Gli anziani vanno seguiti per trascorrere serenamente la vecchiaia
<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

benessere: Energy Savers: Exploring Ways to Use Solar Energy

benessere: Energy Savers: Exploring Ways to Use Solar Energy: Energy Savers: Exploring Ways to Use Solar Energy The alternative to expensive oil to produce electricity at the top panels are certainly...

<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

benessere: cambiar vita

benessere: cambiar vita: Wanting to change   his life .   It is not   easy to do   yourself ,   but if someone   tells you   the way   you make it .   You   must   f...


benessere: Energy Savers: Exploring Ways to Use Solar Energy: Energy Savers: Exploring Ways to Use Solar Energy The alternative to expensive oil to produce electricity at the top panels are certainly...

<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

benessere: benessere: www.orroli-longevo.itPietanze in uso ne...

benessere: benessere: www.orroli-longevo.itPietanze in uso ne...:   www.orroli - Dishes to   use during the period   nuragic   Sardinia .   A   soup with   herbs : Wild leek   soup   with the add...

<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

mercoledì 16 maggio 2012

9 results - TinEye

9 results - TinEye

Try and get the results you want ...... You will definitely get fitter. The dress she hadabandoned now wear a glove as before. Your ankles are no longer painful for weight. Amnche life will smile because you are in better shape ......

lunedì 14 maggio 2012

CONTUS DE FORREDDA........... Racconti vicino al camino......

(16127 non letti) - giorum2006 - Yahoo! Mail:

Since the days of "nuraghi" (cyclopean buildings constructed tower), the man in Sardinia. Fed on venison, because not yet bred pets. His favorites were the consumption big horn sheep commonly called "wild sheep" or the goat. Sardinia in those days was full of game: partridges, hares, rabbits, deer, mountain goats .......Feeding was not a big problem. Armed with bows and arrows were not to stray farto get food. Their arrows made ​​from wild olive shoots hardened by the method of approaching the arrow already finished, the flame that it multiplied its strength, making it last longer over time. At their ends were stuck with skills in wood a bit of well-crafted "obsidian" (hard volcanic rock that manages to cut glass like a diamond) So you had not built on fear that the animal was not killed.

venerdì 11 maggio 2012

Energy Savers: Exploring Ways to Use Solar Energy

Energy Savers: Exploring Ways to Use Solar Energy

The alternative to expensive oil to produce electricity at the top panels are certainly the "photovoltaic". We must encourage the placing in all homes and industrial buildings. In all the structures that are designed to withstand the load of the panels.

giovedì 10 maggio 2012

cambiar vita

Wanting to change his life. It is not easy to do yourself, but if someone tells you the way you make it. You must find out who you turn on the light of the new path. Butthere is always someone sooner or later it comes in and tells you the way to go. It should also be carried away to improve your quality of life ......

domenica 6 maggio 2012

Manca l'uomo giusto

Manca l'uomo giusto.....Sun 6th May 2012 - In search of the just man
In times like the euros missing from the door money. La lack of work, the euros goaway and never return. But if you find work you can expect to return.
If you fail, then the right man, the prince that every woman dreams of having. And' then a sadness. But I think that now exists only in old books. One who was in "four" for his ideal woman. They fought doggedly to defend, to protect her from any bad weather (It was the hero) just to have her incolumit. Now the fairer sex feel the la ckof these men who fight for them. It is the lack of Dreams, "is missing the right man".... hello soon george

sabato 5 maggio 2012

benessere: www.orroli-longevo.itPietanze in uso nel periodo ...
Dishes to use during the period nuragic Sardinia. A soup with herbs:
Wild leek soup with the addition of cottage cheese or yogurt or sheep capra.Cucinata mostly the day after a heavy meal. You takethe lard or bacon fat, half the parsley, onion, wild leek.
Everything is fried with high heat, then add water to cook the meal ofmillet (Later, wheat flour, pasta or homemade): when it is finishedcooking, take the cheese and add to the soup , is still spinning a bitwhen it is still on fire. you pull down then left to rest must be served......... Good Apetito
Recipe handed down from father to son (Contus de forredda)